For over 60 years, AINSE has provided pathways and networks for scientific collaboration and facilitated world-class research and education across Australia and New Zealand.
From environmental research to materials engineering; from honours projects to early-career research: AINSE offers a variety of scholarships to support students in nuclear science, engineering, and related research fields.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from AINSE, including details of upcoming AINSE-supported conferences and the annual AINSE Winter Schools and WISE Schools for undergraduate students.
Supporting Nuclear Science and Engineering for over 60 years
NEW AINSE Visiting Scientist Program: Applications now open (applications close 15 April 2025)
AINSE is delighted to announce our newest funding opportunity, the AINSE Visiting Scientist Program.
The AINSE Visiting Scientist Program supports researchers from AINSE member universities and research institutions (excluding ANSTO) who are undertaking collaborative research at ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for a period of 4-12 weeks.
The Visiting Scientist Program provides travel support (one economy-class return flight or equivalent driving expenses) and accommodation support (up to A$1,500 per week) associated with an attachment or visit to ANSTO Lucas Heights facilities for collaborative research.
The first round of the Visiting Scientist Program will support travel for a minimum of 4 weeks’ duration, and maximum of 12 weeks’ duration, within the period of 1st July 2025 – 30th June 2026.
Round 1 applications close on 15 April 2025. For more details, including a link to the online application form, please visit our Visiting Scientist Program page
29th AINSE Winter School: Expressions of Interest now open (applications close 15 May 2025)
The annual AINSE Winter School offers a unique opportunity for senior undergraduate students to discover the potential for postgraduate research in nuclear science and technology, and related research fields.
In the online component of the 2025 event (7-15 July), students can meet and engage with future ANSTO research collaborators, gain deep insight into ANSTO’s landmark research facilities, and network with other like-minded students from all across Australia and New Zealand.
Online participants can apply for a further opportunity to explore world-class ANSTO research facilities in person in September, after the online event.
Applications for the 29th AINSE Winter School are open to all senior undergraduate students interested in learning about the techniques of nuclear analysis. Such techniques have applications across a wide range of disciplines, including archaeology, biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, materials science, medicine, nanotechnology, physics, and more.
Please visit our Winter School page for more information, and the link to the application portal. Expressions of interest close 15th May 2025.
AINSE Postgraduate Research Awards (PGRA): Applications now open
Eligible Ph.D. students from AINSE Member Institutions who are in receipt of a Research Training Program (RTP) or equivalent primary scholarship, and utilising ANSTO facilities as part of their Research Higher Degree program, can now apply for the 2025 round of the AINSE Postgraduate Research Awards (PGRAs).
AINSE PGRA Scholars will receive a stipend of A$9,000 per annum in addition to generous travel and accommodation allowances, to assist them in their research.
Applications are now being sought from eligible postgraduate students undertaking research projects in the areas of Archaeology, Geosciences & Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology & Biomedical Sciences, and Materials Science & Engineering.
Applications close on 15 April 2025. For more details, including terms & conditions and the online application form, please visit our Postgraduate Research Award page.
AINSE Residential Student Scholarships (RSS): Applications now open
Eligible Ph.D. students from AINSE Member Institutions who are in receipt of a Research Training Program (RTP) or equivalent primary scholarship, and undertaking a Research Higher Degree program aligned with ANSTO’s research priorities, can now apply for the 2025 round of the AINSE Residential Student Scholarships (RSS).
AINSE RSS Scholars will receive a stipend of A$9,000 per annum, in addition to extended travel and accommodation allowances, to assist them in their research.
The RSS differs from a Postgraduate Research Award (PGRA) in that a RSS student must be onsite at an ANSTO facility (at Lucas Heights and/or Clayton) for an average of six months per year or more, which can be as a single block of time or as separate visitations.
Expressions of interest are now being sought from postgraduate students whose research topics closely align with ANSTO’s research programmes: Environment, Health, and Nuclear Materials. In addition, opportunities may also exist for postgraduate students interested in contracted research and industrial engagement projects in the defence industry area, and for postgraduate students interested in fusion research that aligns with ANSTO and ITER activities.
Applications close on 15 April 2025. For more details, including terms & conditions, please visit our Residential Student Scholarship page.
2024 Year in Review
As 2024 draws to a close, we are delighted to look back at an exciting year filled with successful student events and lots of high-quality research from our wonderful scholars.
The AINSE team wish you a safe and happy festive season and we look forward to seeing you for another great year in 2025!
Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): Applications now open
AINSE, in partnership with ANSTO, the Embassy of France in Australia and the Embassy of France in New Zealand, are delighted to announce that applications for the next round of the SAAFE Program are now open for international travel in the period 1st October 2025 – 31st December 2026.
The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the PhD and postdoctoral level. Each successful applicant is provided with costs towards a return flight and up to A$200 per week (up to a maximum of 26 weeks) to support accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:
- Australia/New Zealand to France, or
- France to Australia.
The SAAFE Program supports Early Career Researchers to expand research and innovation activities with Health, Environment and Nuclear Technologies, and to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France in research and innovation.
Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university. The research project must be in collaboration with at least one researcher employed by ANSTO or another Australian AINSE-member institution, and at least one researcher employed by a French university or French research institution.
The research internship is required to take place over 8 – 26 weeks between 1st October 2025 and 31st December 2026.
Applications close 1st July 2025. For more information, including a link to the online application portal and the terms & conditions, please visit our SAAFE website.
In Memory of E/Prof. John White
It is with deep sadness that the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) remembers the late Emeritus Professor John William White, who passed away on 16 August 2023.
In Memory of Mr. E.A. (Bill) Palmer
It is with deep sadness that AINSE informs the scientific community that Mr E.A. (Bill) Palmer, the first Scientific Secretary/Executive Officer of AINSE, recently passed away in September 2022. Bill made an enormous contribution to Nuclear Science and Engineering as the leader of AINSE from 1959 – 1988.
Upcoming Events
29th AINSE Winter School
7–15 July 2025
September 2025
Limited on-site visits at ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus
AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week
Nuclear Science Week, October 2025
9th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School
December 2025
Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia & Online

The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE Ltd.) is an integral organisation for enhancing Australia’s and New Zealand’s capabilities in nuclear science, engineering, and related research fields by facilitating world-class research and education.
AINSE offers a range of programs and services to its members, including generous domestic and international conference support, scholarships for honours & postgraduate students and Early Career Researchers, and intensive undergraduate education schools. These benefits aim to foster scientific advancement and promote an effective collaboration between AINSE members and ANSTO.
We respectfully acknowledge the Dharawal nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which AINSE is located.
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