AINSE are delighted to announce the winners of the 2020-2021 photo competition! We’d like to extend our congratulations to the three AINSE postgraduate scholars whose images were selected by the judging panel.
The winning image (right) was submitted to the ‘Out in the Field’ category by AINSE PGRA scholar Rebecca Duncan from the University of Technology, Sydney. Rebecca’s photo shows two researchers preparing to take ice algae samples in Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard, in support of her research into the biological ramifications of climate change and Arctic sea ice decline. Her project aims to understand the implications of changing environmental conditions for the Artic food web. As the winning image of the competition, Rebecca’s photo was featured on the cover of the 2020 AINSE Annual Report.
AINSE PGRA scholar Rhiannon Boseley, from Curtin University of Technology, submitted the image on the left for the ‘Aesthetic Raw Data’ category and was awarded second place. Rhiannon’s research project aims to further understand fingermark chemistry in order to improve fingermark recovery methods for crime scene investigation. The submitted image portrays the metal content in a natural fingermark generated from data collected on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron. The image shows the natural abundance of Iron (purple), Potassium (green), Titanium (cyan) and Zinc (red) in a latent fingermark.
In third place, under the ‘Scholars at Work’ category, is the photo submitted by AINSE PGRA scholar Izabela Milogrodzka. Pictured (right) is the Hybrid Self Assembly group from Monash University, featuring Izabela together with her supervisor Dr Leonie van’t Hag, during a Synchrotron experiment for investigating the nanostructure of peptide-lipid nanomaterials. Izabela’s project aims to study the formation of local phase separation in lipid rafts within the lipid bilayer of the bicontinuous cubic phase for enhanced therapeutic peptide delivery.
Congratulation’s again to the 2020-2021 AINSE Photo Competition winners! AINSE would like to thank all our scholars who submitted an image for this years competition in a very competitive field. We have included the other entries below for your perusal. If you’d like to read more about what AINSE award recipients are up to, then check out our 2020 AINSE Annual Report.

The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE Ltd.) is an integral organisation for enhancing Australia’s and New Zealand’s capabilities in nuclear science, engineering, and related research fields by facilitating world-class research and education.
AINSE offers a range of programs and services to its members, including generous domestic and international conference support, scholarships for honours & postgraduate students and Early Career Researchers, and intensive undergraduate education schools. These benefits aim to foster scientific advancement and promote an effective collaboration between AINSE members and ANSTO.
We respectfully acknowledge the Dharawal nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which AINSE is located.
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