
Student Research Spotlight: Rebecca Auchettl

Unveiling the complex chemistry of Titan’s atmosphere If you’re searching for other places in our solar system that might be hospitable for some form of life, there may be no better place to look than Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. The Cassini-Huygens space probe, which visited Titan from 2005-2006, demonstrated that Titan has a dense atmosphere […]

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Student Research Spotlight: Calina Betlazar

How do low doses of radiation affect the brain? In medicine, ionizing radiation is used both diagnostically and therapeutically – that is, to both detect and treat diseases, such as cancer, in the brain. Calina Betlazar collaborated with ANSTO Human Health and Biosciences to understand the effects of both high and low doses of radiation

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Student Research Spotlight: James Hooper

Going back in time to understand the South American climate The Andean Puna-Altiplano plateau is the nexus between two extreme regions. On one side resides the arid Atacama Desert, and on the other sits the humid Amazon Basin. The plateau acts as a climatic barrier, where cool mid-latitude winds from the Pacific Ocean meet warm, moist

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Student Research Spotlight: Ben Humphreys

Intelligent coatings: creating surfaces that respond to their surroundings Stimuli-responsive surface coatings are becoming increasingly popular due to their wide range of possible applications. These are materials that can reversibly change their properties, such as thickness, in response to signals from the outside world, such as temperature or light. These seemingly-intelligent materials can be used

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Student Research Spotlight: Sarah McDonald

How does storm-water runoff affect aquatic organisms? Storms can be problematic for organisms living in urban aquatic environments, as the stormwater sweeps large quantities of metal contaminants from our cities and roads into stormwater drains, and out into the ecosystems of local wildlife. The effect is a short, but intense, exposure to these toxins. Our

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Congratulations to our 42 new PGRA scholars

AINSE wish to extend our congratulations to the 42 postgraduate students who have been selected to receive an AINSE Postgraduate Research Award (PGRA) commencing in 2020. The PGRA is a top-up scholarship that may be held until the expiry of the receipient’s Australian Government Research Training Program scholarship or equivalent primary scholarship. In addition to

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